€2,500 Irish eCommerce WebSite Grant | Apply for Trading Online Voucher

Ireland eCommerce WebSite Online Voucher

Every entrepreneur knows how essential it is to get the word about their product or service out into the world in order to generate customers.Entrepreneurs oftenhave anxiety about spending their limited budget on this part of business development in its early stages.Unfortunately if no one’s heard about the business no one can bring their business to it but getting there requires investment so small business owners often struggle to find the balance between the need to adequately market their business and their budget..

This is where your Local Enterprise Office comes to the rescue. The financial injections the Irish government is currently providing to fledglingIrish businesses has helped hundreds of start-up Irish businesses not only survive but to thrive.

Any entrepreneur looking for new business should strongly consider applying for the Local Enterprise Office’s online trading voucher grant scheme, so they can inject an additional €2,500 into their marketing budget.


What is the Trading Online Voucher program and what does it do?


The goal of the Trading Online Voucher program is to help small businesses get their foothold in the online marketplace where they can then trade successfully. According to the data collected and published by Enterprise Ireland only twenty-three percent of small businesses in Ireland are engaged in the digital online marketplace. Consequently, 70% of online purchases from Irish customers happen internationally as a result.

Additionally, IPSOS conducted a survey with more than 1,000 members of the Irish public examining their shopping habits and the results showed that Ireland is home to the largest international base of online shoppers in the world. It logically follows that local businesses could be taking a much larger slice of that online pie if they prioritised their online presence and did it well.

The Trading Online Voucher program has been designed by the Irish government as part of the National Digital Strategy whose aim is to facilitate this transition. On your Local Enterprise Office website, the grant is described as follows: “Under the scheme a qualifying business may apply for matched funding to a maximum value of €2,500 or 50% of eligible expenditure (exclusive of VAT), whichever is the lesser.”

Which means that entrepreneurs looking to qualify fora grant need already to have a prepared project with a budget of five thousand Euros or less so that the Local Enterprise Office can match it. Thousands of Irish start-ups and scale-ups have already participated in this program and if you are considering it as well, all you need to do is get in touch with your Local Enterprise Office where you can begin the application process. 


Before you do that, however, you should probably make sure that your business qualifies for the grant. Let us take a look at that now, shall we?

Which businesses are eligible to apply for the Trading Online Voucher program?

The criteria for small businesses looking to apply for the grant is generally very lenient and shouldn’t be hard to fulfill for most businesses. The business must have a limited online trading network and experience, and must be trading for at least six months before applying for the grant. The program is aimed at small businesses so ten employees or less is one of the specified requirements. The annual turnover is required to be less than 2 million euros. The business must be located in an area covered by the program which means that it must be located within the remit of the participating LEOs.

Which businesses cannot apply for the Trading Online Voucher grant?

This program is not made for semi-state bodies, trade associations, or company representative bodies. Nonprofits are also not eligible unless they also operate in a commercial domain. Your Local Enterprise Office also offers business advice and training seminars that help inexperienced entrepreneurs make informed decisions on the best ways to utilise this grant so it makes no sense for professional and experienced companies to apply which crosses them out as ineligible. Any business deemed by a Local Enterprise Office of being capable of growing on its own is also ineligible for the program. This includes businesses which are already availing similar financial support from other state bodies. The grant cannot be used for conferences or seminars or any other projects deemed contrary to their policy.

80% Online Retail Scheme

Do You Know What You Will Spend Your €2.5k Trading Online Voucher Grant On?

Entrepreneurs looking to participate in the program will be required to participate in an informative event as well as to submit an application that will be evaluated based on several specific criteria including: eligibility for the program, value-added potential, export potential, job creation potential, financial sustainability, etc. At Tovnow we work with both start-ups and scale-up businesses who are looking to apply for the Local Enterprise Office’s Trading Online Vouchers and provide them with marketing advice so they can enter the application and evaluation process fully prepared.

Feel free to refer to our services page where you can see that we provide marketing services in areas such as digital marketing, website management, SEO, creative digital media, reporting, and marketing consultancy. We possess the expertise to help new entrepreneurs to determine which online  marketing activities will best service their business, and the best ways to spend their €5,000. We take pride in helping local small businesses get their foothold in the digital marketplace. Their success is our succes.