Irish Government eCommerce Business Grants – Get A 90% Grant

Today is the day to start developing your Irish brand online!
Thousands of Irish customers are eager to buy local so you shouldn’t hesitate in setting your footing onto the online marketplace. The Irish government is now offering two online trading grants for start-up and scale-up Irish businesses. These grants offer financial assistance of up to ninety per cent in setting up and developing an online business presence.
90% Trading Online Voucher
Businesses with up to ten employees are eligible to apply for the Trading Online Voucher – TOV – scheme operated through the Local Enterprise Offices – LEOs –right across the country. In response to the pandemic and the resulting industry crisis, the Irish Government has enabled businesses that have already taken advantage of the program to apply the second time for another voucher. The second voucher can be used to further improve and expand businesses’ digital footprint.
In the initial round of the program businesses were required to pay half the cost of the project but now only a ten per cent investment – up to two hundred and fifty Euros – is all that’s required from businesses to add up to the maximum grant of twenty-five hundred Euros. The second opportunity is part of a wider response by the Irish government and LEOs to help Irish businesses fight the crisis brought about by the pandemic. This response also included Business Continuity Vouchers and COVID-19 Business Loans. For more information, refer to your local LEO website.
80% Online Retail Scheme

80% Online Retail Scheme
The ORS has been introduced by the Irish government as a tool to help fight the COVID-19 crisis. The program has been announced with two million Euros in funding in response to the urgent need for retail companies to achieve a step-change in online trading capability. This program is available to large businesses as well.
The chosen among the applicants will be awarded funding to support a maximum of eighty per cent of the project-eligible costs with a maximum grant of forty thousand Euros. The ORS is a flip-coin program to the TOV scheme as it’s been designed for companies with ten employees or more with the potential to sustain or create jobs, generate growth in online transactions, and with an ambition to grow their business internationally in the future. In order to qualify, the submitted projects must have a minimum budget of twelve thousand and five hundred Euros.