LEO Online Trading Voucher Scheme Ireland

Irish entrepreneurs can reduce the cost of setting up and/or expanding your business’ online trading capacity by up to 90% with the Local Enterprise Office’s Trading Online Voucher scheme. Which is excellent news for hundreds of start-up and scale-up businesses right across Ireland, and we are delighted to be part of this worthy initiative.

Training and skill development specifically targeted at establishing and managing online trading activities.


The Trading Online Voucher Scheme is just one of many ways in which the Irish Government has put its National Digital Strategy into action and through which it helps secure a place for Irish business on the world web. The Trading Online Voucher Scheme offers entrepreneurs and their fledgling businesses financial assistance as well as training and advice to ensure the business’ online trading turns into a lucrative endeavour. Its purpose is to assist small businesses with up to ten employees to broaden their online trade, increase their sales, and spread to new markets. Your LEO may grant you up to €2,500 as long as your business funds 50% of the cost. This is a rare opportunity and it should be on your radar.

TOVNOW has already helped dozens of start-up and scale-up businesses during the lock-down in their endeavour to expand their online trading capacity. Most of our clients have witnessed double-digit sales growth within just thirty to ninety days upon launching their new website with our help.

COVID-19 has been a challenging time for many small businesses across the country and dealing with our clients has acquainted us with the nuances of the situation better than most. At TOVNOW, we consider ourselves uniquely qualified to help our clients in these challenging times. Not only can we build a beautiful business website for our clients, but one may also consider us their business coach, marketing strategist, and project manager at once.

At TOVNOW, we believe in small businesses and it is our sincere aspiration to be a helping hand to start-up and scale-up entrepreneurs in these trying times. For that reason, we offer up to an additional fifteen hundred Euros worth of free business growth consulting services. This offer is limited so don’t take too long thinking about it.

Take advantage of the National Digital Strategy and grow your business online. This aspirational government program includes the expanded Trading Online Voucher scheme whose purpose is to assist small businesses with up to ten employees gain a foothold in the online marketplace, boost sales, and reach new markets. Participating in this program can make online trading significantly easier for small businesses. The program offers financial stimulus of up to €2,500 with co-funding of between ten and fifty per cent from the business itself, accompanied by training and advice to help the business maintain successful online trade. The idea behind the program is to reduce the cost of developing an online presence by fifty to ninety per cent which can make an enormous difference for small businesses.

So, what is it exactly that we do? TOVNOW is an award-winning creative digital brand and marketing agency. We craft clever and creative commercially-focused branding and marketing growth strategies that help businesses scale up on time and within budget with no hidden extra costs. When it’s time for your business to scale up, we are here! We worked alongside some of the fastest-growing businesses of the last twenty years.

TOVNOW offers a full-service package. This means that our clients get more than just a beautiful business website for boosting their sales but also full-service clever branding, marketing growth advice, business plan development, business plan application support, etc. One may consider us their business coach, marketing strategist, and project manager at once.

We have already accompanied dozens of businesses from their start-up phase through the LEO TOV scheme to Enterprise Ireland and finally towards Series A Funding, so let us accompany you too.


TOVNOW Core Services:

  •     Installing online payment and/or booking systems;
  •     Development and/or upgrade of a business website;
  •     Development of a digital marketing strategy;
  •     Implementing a digital marketing strategy;
  •     Training and skill development specifically targeted at establishing and managing online trading activities.

80% Online Retail Scheme

In order to qualify for receiving a Voucher, your business must fit the following requirements:


  •     The business has ten or fewer employees;
  •     The business has limited or no digital presence;
  •     The annual turnover is less than two million Euros;
  •     The business must have been trading for at least six months;
  •     The business must be located in an area covered by the LEO where the application is submitted (LEO’s cannot accept applications for businesses located outside of their jurisdiction)

Previous recipients of the voucher may apply for a second Voucher. Previous voucher recipients may not apply for a second voucher before submitting their final claim for the first Voucher.
Applicant businesses must provide clear proof of trading for a minimum of six months to their local enterprise office