Online Trading Voucher Ireland – €2,500 Grant

The National Digital Strategy of the government of Ireland has been initiated in 2013 and since it has helped thousands of entrepreneurs grow their businesses online.


Since the planting of the seed eight years ago the government project has branched out into a dozen sub-project that specialize in nourishing and boosting different niches of entrepreneurship. One such branch is the Trading Online Voucher Scheme whose purpose is to assist small businesses with up to ten employees broaden their online trade, increase their sales, and spread to new markets. Entrepreneurs who have already become beneficiaries of the project applaud its capacity to facilitate online trading for up-and-coming businesses.

The Trading Online Voucher Scheme offers entrepreneurs and their fledgling businesses financial assistance of up to 2,500 €, 50% being co-funded by the business, as well as training and advice to ensure the business’ online trading turns a lucrative endeavour.

The Trading Online Voucher Scheme offers Irish entrepreneurs a unique opportunity to cut the cost of efficiently setting their business up on the web by up to fifty per cent. The offer is rather affordable and can be rather valuable to many small businesses in Ireland.
Making informed decisions is a vital resource for running a successful business. Therefore, the free help and training that your local enterprise office provides through this project is a benefit not to be neglected.

The training program covers a wide array of important subjects such as developing a website, digital marketing, business on social media, search engine optimization, etc. The information you will be provided is robust, objective, and certified. It will enable you to make your own decisions about your business, confident that you are making the right choices.The entrepreneurs who have already received a Trading Online Voucher may now apply for a second one, which requires upgrades. The additional funding may be used for adding payment facilities or booking systems to the business website, or developing new applications for your customers, as an example. One may also choose to use their second voucher and subscribe to a low cost online retail platform which can help their business quickly establish a retail presence online.

80% Online Retail Scheme

Previous recipients of the Voucher may apply for a second Voucher. Previous Voucher recipients may not apply for a second Voucher before submitting their final claim for the first Voucher.

Applicant businesses must provide clear proof of trading for a minimum of six months to their local enterprise office.