Website Design Grants in Ireland!

There are two business website development grants available in Ireland, both issued by the Local Enterprise Office: the Online Trading Voucher & the Social Welfare TAT Grant.


How to get a website grant in Ireland?

If you are a small business entrepreneur who wants to create and develop an online presence for your business but you worry about the budget, you may rest easy as the government’s got you covered – literally. With the Trading Online Voucher Grant, small business entrepreneurs can get up to €2,500 or 50% off the cost of developing an eCommerce website. TOVNOW has worked extensively with hundreds of Irish businesses on procuring their website vouchers and crafting stunning, stylish business websites with extraordinary ROI conversion rates. If you wish to learn more about the  Trading Online Voucher Program application process do not hesitate to contact us directly and we will happily provide you with detailed information on every step of the process.

If you download our guide to website grants, you will be added to our mailing list where we share useful tips and guides free of charge to help our clients market their business online. Occasionally we will also notify you about special offers of products and services we have for you. Your details will not be shared with any third party. Our privacy policy may be reviewed on our website.

Whether your business receives state funding or not depends entirely on the quality of the application you submit. It’s a no-brainer that applications which propose the most lucrative business opportunities are top-of-the-list for state funding. For start-up businesses, the potential to create employment in your local area is one of the most highly regarded criteria. For Enterprise Ireland grants, the potential to grow internationally is essential.

The LEO Online Trading Voucher

The LEO Trading Online Vouchers are available for businesses in any industry. It is required that the business has been operating for at least a year before the application is submitted and that it must be (aspiring to) trading online. Some businesses may sidestep the online trading requirement as long as they provide their customers with an option to pay for their products and services online.

The entrepreneurs who are interested in this offer should contact us as soon as possible  – some LEOs only accept applications every two months or so, others only at certain times of the year, while some only issue funding in rounds.TOVNOW can help business owners through this process and ease the tedium of paperwork required.

When chosen for a grant, your business may receive up to €2,500 or 50% off the total cost of the website development project, net or VAT – whichever is the lesser.

80% Online Retail Scheme

What can €2,500 or 50% be used for?

  •     IT consultation;
  •     Development or upgrade of an e-commerce website;
  •     Implementing online payment or booking systems;
  •     Purchase of internet-related business software;
  •     Purchase of online advertising (this purchase cannot make up more than thirty per cent of the approved Trading Online Voucher amount and may only be drawn down in one payment phase);
  •     Developing an app or multi-platform web page;
  •     Implementing a digital marketing strategy via social media or other;
  •     Consultation with ICT experts for early stage adopters of online strategy;
  •     Training and skill development specifically targeted at establishing and managing online trading activity.


Why choose TOVNOW?

  •     We’ve had a 100% success rate in helping our clients receive the grants;
  •     TOVNOW offers thoroughly scoped project development with several consultations and a fixed development price.
  •     TOVNOW offers unrivalled experience in assisting with Trading Online Voucher grant applications;
  •     TOVNOW also offers advice on other, non-website related, grants that are available in Ireland. 

How do you apply?

The application process for the Trading Online Voucher is a competitive one. The initial ‘port of call’ for any small business entrepreneurs who consider developing their online trading capacity is to contact their Local Enterprise Office (LEO) and inquire about further information on applying for the Trading Online Voucher scheme. You will be asked to fill in a form and you may find and see an example of it online. However, you should be careful with the examples you find online as most of them are outdated but you should still be able to get an idea of the kind of things you may be asked. Always refer to your LEO for the most up-to-date form and information.


Grant payment

The grant will be paid once the following conditions have been met:

  •     The proof of payment has been provided – either in the form of an original bank statement or an online printed statement which has been stamped by the bank;
  •     The original invoices are submitted at the time of claim;
  •     The home page of the website acknowledges the source of funding which is accredited in a prominent position. This must include the European Union logo and the Local Enterprise Office logo;
  •     The grant must be drawn and fully paid before the completion date as detailed in the Letter of Offer.

If a business idea includes developing a product or a service that will generate employment or export services and products without displacing any pre-existing jobs in the area, one may apply for a grant with a larger monetary value. However, these grants are a lot more challenging and time-consuming, so for truly small businesses, Trading Online Vouchers may be a better momentary option to get them off the ground.

Social Welfare Web Design Grants

The Technical Assistance Training – TAT – fund has been designed to help the recipients of the Short-Term Back to Work Enterprise Allowance. TAT helps with certain costs involved in starting a business. However, fledgling businesses are not automatically qualified for TAT – the financial assistance provided in this program must be approved for each business by the job facilitator in the local social welfare office. Payments from the fund must be made directly to the service provider/s. Local job facilitators and enterprise officers can provide more detailed information about the various sources of help and funding.